Símbolo de pequeño productor
El Símbolo de Pequeños Productores es una red intercontinental de organizaciones de pequeños productores orgánicos que luchan por el reconocimiento de la alta calidad de sus productos y trabajan por una vida digna y un planeta saludable para todos, en alianza con empresas y consumidores comprometidos.
Small Producers
About the standard
SPP applies to the Organizations of Small Producers, Buyers, Collective Traders of Organizations of Small Producers, Intermediaries and Maquiladoras.
The Symbol of Small Producers is an intercontinental network of organizations of small organic producers that fight for the recognition of the high quality of their products and work for a dignified life and a healthy planet for all, in alliance with committed companies and consumers. SPP is launched to give identity to small producers and their values in a Fair Trade movement.
SPP Certification and Registration Process
Contract Terms
Pricing Policy
How you benefit?
This symbol only certifies products that, apart from complying with the SPP regulations, have a certificate recognized as an organic product. SPP prices are based on actual costs of sustainable production.
For more information about SPP, visit their websiteThis seal is based on the principles and values of the organizations of small producers that gave rise to the creation of this distinction. SPP describes and promotes its vision not only towards the peasant organization itself, but also towards society and the economy in general. This symbol has its own regulatory framework and Sustainable Prices, which are built from the reality of small producers, with a focus on developing their capacities.
How can we help you?
Want to apply for a certification program? Our Certification team will be happy to help you.