Verification Programs

We focus our efforts on developing services to meet the challenges of supply chains with a focus on sustainable sourcing solutions.

Declaration of Impartiality

The value of certification and the verification/validation process is based on the degree of confidence that is established by an impartial, independent, consistent and competent demonstration of compliance with the requirements specified by an inspection and certification body.

Being impartial and being perceived as impartial is therefore essential for Control Union to inspire this confidence in our stakeholders and the key to our success. To gain and maintain trust, it is essential that Control Union Services' decisions are based on objective evidence of compliance (or non-compliance), and that our decisions are not influenced by other interests or by other parties.

Based on this principle and our Code of Conduct, we strive to ensure that the highest standards of integrity, objectivity and professional behavior apply to all of our evaluation activities. Control Union Services applies risk assessments regarding impartiality and possible conflicts of interest in our office, employees and clients.

Control Union Services S.A.C. V/V Contract Documents


Footprint carbon

At Control Union we provide the carbon footprint report verification service, prepared according to the most internationally recognized standards: ISO 14064, ISO 14067, GHG Protocol, PAS 2060, among others.

The objective is to verify the calculations and results obtained from the measurement of the carbon footprint to give credibility to their declarations (report) of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and guarantee the integrity and transparency of their interest groups (regulators, clients, employees, shareholders, etc.). So that the organization has a reliable baseline to manage and reduce its GHG emissions over time.

Water footprint

At Control Union we provide the verification service for Water Footprint reports, prepared according to the most internationally recognized standards: ISO 14046, Global Water Footprint Standard, among others.

The objective is to verify the calculations and results obtained in the water footprint reports to give them credibility and guarantee the integrity and transparency of its stakeholders (regulators, customers, employees, shareholders, among others). Thus, the organization has a reliable baseline to manage the sustainable and equitable use and allocation of the most valuable resource on the planet: water.


Clean Fuel Regulation (CFR) is a program created by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). It is an initiative that is based on a regulation aimed at reducing the intensity of Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2030 by 15% compared to the levels in 2016, the above, by establishing limits on carbon intensity (amount of carbon emissions produced over the life cycle of a fuel including its extraction, production, distribution and use) from fuels used in Canada.

The program focuses on fossil fuels used for transportation, heating and industrial purposes, to encourage the use of cleaner fuels and technologies.

Each year, producers and/or importers of fossil fuels in Canada must calculate their carbon intensity, and consequently their compliance debt according to their volumes.

To meet the proposed objective of global Greenhouse Gas reduction, the Canadian Government establishes a system of credits available to fossil fuel producers and thus satisfy their shortfalls to achieve compliance.

Credit originators can submit initiatives in 3 compliance categories:

  • Compliance Category 1: Carbon Reduction Projects,
  • Compliance Category 2: Production or Importation of Low Intensity Fuel,
  • Compliance Category 3: Production of new clean energies, such as providing electricity to electric vehicles, green hydrogen, others)


Fuel-based carbon reduction projects benefit the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They can also generate income through carbon credits, incentivizing sustainable practices and mitigating global climate change.


CU Services offers the Verification service for all those interested in the quantification of projects within Compliance Category 2: Production, Import and Supply of Non-Fossil, Renewable, Low Intensity Fuel, providing verification services to those interested in the CFR in this sector, whether they are Foreign Suppliers, Carbon Contributors, or Credit Creators.

The verifications offered by CU Services in sector 2 are:

  • Application for Approval CI or Application for a Temporary Approval CI
  • Carbon Intensity Pathway Report
  • Material Balance Report
  • Quarterly credit creation report
  • Credit-Adjustment report

See the link for the process flow.

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