Commodity Inspections
Global network of local experts
Reliable partnership leads to swift certificates
From necessity to trusted partner
How you benefit
We believe the way we connect is one of our strongest points– on a personal level, focused on your professional interests, goals and needs. We deliver on our global presence with pride and the real strength lies with our local people and their dedication. Many of our clients view inspection as a necessity. So we are quick, flexible and reliable, and as your inspection partner we can be so much more. With your trust in us, we can provide you with prompt paperwork, business insights and state-of-the-art solutions in literally any continent, any region, within minutes on any given working day.
Quality system in place
Non-stop information flow
Global reputation
Well experienced and qualified surveyors
Global network for local support
Working smarter, minimizing risks
We use our knowledge of inspection, sampling and supervision to help clients around the world with their contractual obligations, meeting food safety regulations or performance criteria.We have the tools, experience and knowledge to support your entire logistics chain, from arranging suitable air freight to hiring capable scientists, from leading complicated projects to advising on the best certification programs.
Our services
With our bases in inspection services, we have been expanding our offer of services to the entire supply chain, providing innovative solutions in all our areas of specialization
Terms and conditions
How can we help you?
Would you like more specific information about our inspection and/or certification services? If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to let us know; we will be happy to contact you.