CEE 2018/848 - European Union Regulation for Organic Production

The principle of organic agriculture is the sustainable production of food from a balanced and fertile soil. In this production system, farms and companies must be run according to organic standards, without the use of genetically modified organisms (GMO) or restricted synthetic products.
Once the entire organic production chain is certified, you will have an organic certificate and can use the official logo to market your organic products.
Control Union Certifications is recognised by the European Commission (EC) to offer certification services under regulation 2018/848, this allows us to offer our certification services in 142 countries around the world, providing our clients with the highest international standards.
If you would like your project to be certified under this programme, please download the Organic Application Form, complete it with your details and send it to comercial.peru@controlunion.com so that we can contact you.
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