ETI - Ethical Trading Initiative

Basic code - Trading Initiative
1. The job will be chosen freely.

1.1 There shall be no involuntary, forced or bonded prison labor

1.2 Workers will not be required to leave "deposits" or identity documentation in the employer's custody and will be free to leave upon reasonable notice.

2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining will be respected

2.1 Workers, without any distinction, have the right to join or form unions of their own choosing, as well as to negotiate jointly.

2.2 The employer will adopt an open attitude towards the activities of trade unions, as well as their organizational activities.

2.3 The representatives of the workers will not be discriminated against and will have access to carry out their representative functions in the workplace.

2.4 Where the law restricts the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, the employer shall facilitate and not hinder the development of parallel means to freely and independently associate and bargain.

3. Working conditions will be safe and hygienic

3.1 A safe and hygienic work environment will be provided, taking into account the prevailing knowledge of the industry, as well as any specific hazards. The necessary measures will be taken to avoid accidents and damage to health that may arise, or are associated, or that occur in the course of work, by reducing, as far as is reasonable, the causes of the dangers inherent in the work environment. .

3.2 Workers will receive regular written health and hygiene training, which will be repeated for new or appointed workers.

3.3 Access to clean toilets and potable water, and, if necessary, to sanitary facilities for food storage will be provided

3.4 Accommodation, if necessary, will be clean, safe and meet the basic needs of workers.

3.5 The company charged with enforcing the code will vest responsibility for health and safety in a senior management representative.

4. Child labor will not be used

4.1 There will be no new hiring of child labor.

4.2 Companies will develop or participate in and contribute to policies that favor the necessary transition period for any child in child labor to go to school and remain in a quality education system until they are no longer, by age , a child. The terms "child" and "child labor" are defined in the appendices

4.3 Children and young people under the age of 18 shall not be employed for work at night or in dangerous conditions.

4.4 These policies and procedures will comply with the provisions of the relevant ILO regulations.

5. A living wage will be paid

5.1 The wages and benefits paid for a regular work week will at least comply with the national legal regulations or the reference industrial regulations, or whichever is higher. In any case, wages will always be high enough to meet basic needs and provide discretionary income.

5.2 All workers shall be provided with written and understandable information on their working conditions in relation to wages before accepting employment and on the details of their wages during the pay period in question each time they receive wages.

5.3 Deductions from salary as a disciplinary measure shall not be permitted nor shall any deduction be provided by national law without the express consent of the worker concerned. All disciplinary actions must be recorded.

6. Work hours will not be excessive

6.1 Working hours will comply with national legislation and the regulations of the reference industry, or the one that offers greater protection.

6.2 In any case, workers will not regularly work more than 48 hours per week and will have at least one day off for an average of 7 days. Overtime will be voluntary, and will not exceed 12 hours per week, will not be required regularly and will always be compensated with a premium.

7. There will be no discrimination

7.1 There will be no discrimination in hiring, compensation, training, promotion, termination or retirement on the basis of race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender, status, sexual orientation, union membership or politics.

8. A regular job will be provided

8.1 In all respects, work performed shall be based on recognized employment relationships established through national law and practice.

8.2 The obligations towards employees subject to labor or social security legislation and the regulations derived from regular employment relationships will not be avoided through the use of employment-only contracts, subcontracts or contracts to work at home, or through
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