CEE 834/2007 - 889/2008 - European Union Regulation for Organic Production

Organic certification for agricultural products, livestock, wild collection, inputs for organic agriculture, and honey, under the EU 834/2007 - EU 889/2008 standards for the European market.
Organic agriculture can be characterized in some basic ideas, such as maintaining or improving the soil fertility, no chemicals such as pesticides or artificial nitrogen fertilizers are used or produced, animal welfare is ensured.

The European organic certification is based on the Organic Production Regulations: EU 834/2007 - EU 889/2008, created by the European Economic Union.

This certificate is necessary for clients who wish to export their organic production to Europe, even if they have certificates for other countries.

To obtain this certificate, you must comply with these standards, and be certified by a certifier that complies with ISO 65, and that is accredited by a European regulatory body such as the RVA of the Netherlands. Control Union Certifications meets all of these requirements.

Once the certification is approved, you can use the seal.

If you want your project to be certified under this program, download the Organic Application Form, fill it out with your data and send it to commercial.peru@controlunion.com so that we can make you a quote.
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