Quality certification and shipment

Quality and shipment certification for organic and/or conventional cocoa for export.

Pre-shipment inspection | Shipment Supervision

We provide an integral service, which includes:

Verification of the quantity of bags to be shipped. Verification of product presentation, brand and packaging. Sampling according to NTP ISO 2859-1 and/or FCC/2011. Verification of product conditions during sampling.

Verification of container conditions Verification of lining and placement of absorbents. Tarja (bag counting) Control of merchandise weight. Supervision of container filling, closing and sealing.


MOISTURE (Method: NTP ISO 2291-2006) GRAIN QUALITY – SHEAR TEST (Shear test / Normative references: NTP-ISO 2451.1999 and NTP-ISO 1114.1999) Fumigation for conventional cocoa: We carry out fumigation of static and shipment lots. – Static lots: Under blanket mode. – Batches for shipment: In containers. We use aluminum phosphide, a product authorized by SENASA with low traceability.


Documents issued at the end of the service

  • Quality certificate.
  • Certificate of quantity.
  • Weight certificate.
  • Fumigation certificate.
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How can we help you?

Would you like more specific information about our inspection and/or certification services? If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to let us know; we will be happy to contact you.