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Organic certification

The principle of agriculture is the production of healthy food from a balanced and fertile soil.

JAS – Japanese Organic Regulation

    The land where it will be produced must go through a conversion period before the harvest or planting of products so that they can be labeled as organic. This means that the land must have been managed according to organic regulations for at least 2 to 3 years (depending on the type of product and the regulation). During production and processing organic and non-organic product must be separated and contamination must be prevented. The production and processing of organic products must be inspected by an accredited independent third party in accordance with the inspection system established in the applicable regulation. If all requirements have been met, a certificate can be issued and the applicable logos can be used on certified products.

    Japanese Organic Regulation

    We carry out the following auditing and certification services through the accreditation of our parent company Control Union Certifications:

    Logo Accredited/Recognized by:
    Certificación Orgánica - Peru RVA Organismo de Acreditación Nacional de Holanda
    JAS - Normativa Orgánica de Japón - Chile MAFF
    Organización Internacional Agropecuaria | Actualización de la Norma Orgánica USDA-NOP Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) USDA/NOP – National Organic Program Reconocido por el Ministerio de Agricultura de Estados Unidos
    Korea Organic Organic Mafra Korea


    Likewise, Control Union Services has its own recognitions and/or accreditations for the following programs:

    Accredited / Recognized by
    Orgánico Ecuador
    • SAE
    Orgánico Colombia
    • ONAC
    • Ministerio de Agricultura
    • Senave
    • ONA
    • INN
    • SAG
    • OGA
    • SAE
    • SENASA

    Getting certified in 6 steps

    Control Union aims to provide assurance and confidence to all interested parties that a product, process, service or organisation that it certified fulfils the requirements of the relevant inspection or certification standard. It’s for that reason that the certification process is laid down in procedures, which describes the entire process, from application to certificate issuance and who is qualified to conduct such activities.

    All our certification programs

    Client application to a certification program

    Submit your application for the program of your interest in any of the services we offer, through our commercial executives.

    Application review

    Financial offer: an authorized person will review your application and verify if CU can provide the service based on the requested scope of certification, if yes, we will issue you a financial proposal.

    Contract signing

    If you return the signed financial proposal, you become a CU client.

    Audit planning

    We will schedule the audit of your organization in compliance with the requirements established by the program.

    Audit execution

    Once the audit is scheduled, the assigned auditor will send you the Audit Plan. On the day of the audit, the auditor will evaluate your organization’s compliance against the specified program requirements. If there are non-compliance, you will be given time to resolve them.

    Certification review and decision

    After you resolve the non-compliances within the timeframe, an independent certifier will review and make a decision; if positive, a certificate will be issued. If the results are not satisfactory, you may reapply as required by the certification program.

    Mohamed Shebl contact

    How can we help you?

    Want to apply for a certification program? Our Certification team will be happy to help you.