Input Review Program

Input Review Program

The Input Review program has been developed as an alternative within the organic products market, with the purpose of evaluating inputs for use in organic agriculture in order to guarantee their suitability for use within the organic production chain. Clients of this program will receive, after the evaluation process, if applicable, a statement of approval for the use of each evaluated input.

    Input Review Program

    About the standard

    CU’s Input Review program has been developed as an alternative within the organic products market, with the purpose of evaluating inputs for use in organic agriculture in order to guarantee their suitability for use within the organic production chain. Clients of this program will receive, after the evaluation process, if applicable, a statement of approval for the use of each evaluated input.


    Any potential client seeking assessment under the program must complete the application form; at this stage, the client must include the label for each input. During the contracting process, CU staff will determine whether the assessment will be a desk audit or a desk audit and on-site audit. All our quotations will be made in accordance with our evaluation rates.

    During this stage, CU staff will request technical data, depending on the category to which the input to be evaluated applies. The program includes within its scope the following categories: A – Fertilizers/soil conditioners/soil amendments. B – Inputs in contact with the soil C – Pesticides (phytosanitary inputs) D – Other inputs used with phytosanitary products (adherents, adjuvants) E – Cleaning agents (only for evaluations under NOP) F – Packaging material (EU NOP JAS RTPO ECU KOREA)

    Based on the application form, CU will determine how the project will be evaluated, two options are possible: (a) Documentary evaluation, in this option, a reviewer will evaluate all technical documents per product to verify if the product complies with the organic regulations against which it is being evaluated. b) Documentary evaluation and on-site audit, a reviewer will evaluate all technical documents per product, additionally an auditor will perform the on-site audit (this will be necessary only in cases of high risk products, e.g. liquid fertilizers with more than 3% nitrogen content, etc.). For all cases, our input approval methodology is based on “POSITIVE LISTS”, i.e., if the ingredient of a formulation appears within the corresponding annexes, it will be approved for use in organic agriculture against the one being evaluated.

    According to what has been verified in the evaluation process, the certifier will make a decision regarding each evaluated input.


    Benefits of obtaining “Input Approval Statement”:

    • Input with endorsement of compliance with regulations included in the Declaration of Approval.
    • Confidence of the organic producers that they can use inputs with endorsement of compliance with organic regulations.
    • The input that has a Declaration of Approval will be included in our database to provide greater visibility in the market.
    • Increased sales opportunities within the organic producers’ market.


    Regulación EU 1165 2021

    Regulación Reglamento Técnico para productores orgánicos del Perú

    Regulación Guatemala: RTCA_produccion orgánica

    Regulación USDA REGULATION

    Regulación: Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS)

    Mohamed Shebl contact

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