
GOTS – Global Organic Textile Standard

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is an internationally recognized organic textile standard. Since its introduction in 2006, GOTS has demonstrated its practical feasibility, and is supported by the growth in consumption of organic fibers and the demand for unified processing criteria from the industrial and retail sectors.

GOTS – Global Organic Textile Standard
    Global Organic Textile Standard

    About the standard

    The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the world’s leading textile processing standard for organic fibers, including ecological and social criteria, backed by independent certification of the entire textile supply chain. GOTS-certified end products can include fiber products, yarns, fabrics, clothing, home textiles, mattresses, personal care products, as well as food contact textiles and more.

    Since its introduction in 2006, GOTS has demonstrated its practical viability, and is supported by the growth in consumption of organic fibers and the demand for unified processing criteria from the industry and retail sectors.

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    The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) has a clearly defined set of criteria and is transparent. GOTS certification is based on four distinctive and unique characteristics:

    Organic fibers are natural fibers grown without the use of synthetic pesticides (such as insecticides), herbicides or GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) according to the principles of organic agriculture. Organic agriculture is a production process that sustains the health of ecosystems, soils and people. Organic fiber production is not directly covered by the GOTS certification system, as GOTS itself does not set standards for organic fiber cultivation. Instead, organic fiber cultivation falls under the scope of organic agriculture standards, many of them defined by national governments. A textile product bearing the GOTS label must contain a minimum of 70% certified organic fibers, a product with the “organic” grade label must contain a minimum of 95% certified organic fibers.

    To build a truly sustainable textile industry, GOTS evaluates textile processing and manufacturing on the basis of environmental and social criteria. This means assessing everything from the chemical inputs used to the ethical treatment of workers. To obtain GOTS certification, compliance with all criteria is mandatory.

    The standard covers the processing, manufacturing, packaging, labeling, marketing and distribution of all textiles made from at least 70% certified organic fibers. The GOTS certification system starts with the first processing step in the textile supply chain. Textile processing is based on the conversion of fiber to yarn and yarn to fabric. For example, in the case of cotton, ginning is the first processing step, where the seeds are removed from the cotton bolls. All steps in the processing, manufacturing and marketing of organic textiles are covered by GOTS. They must all be certified according to strict ecological and social criteria for the product to carry the GOTS label. In this way, GOTS puts an end to greenwashing.

    As an independent external certification body accredited by GOTS, Control Union Services performs on-site inspections and certifications of processors, manufacturers and traders, forming the basis of the GOTS monitoring system. It serves to provide credible assurance of the integrity of GOTS-certified textiles. If you are interested in certifying your project under this program please click on the following link complete the requested information and one of our sales representatives will contact you or write to the following e-mail

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    How can we help you?

    Want to apply for a certification program? Our Certification team will be happy to help you.