
Control Union Fair Choice

CU Fair Choice is the first Fair Trade Standard created from the real perspective of small farmers, as it has been developed in a Latin American country. The standard is supported by the reputation of Control Union and has been developed based on the Ethical Code and the conventions of the ILO.

Control Union Fair Choice
    Control Union Fair Choice

    About the standard

    The current social and environmental context of the planet suggests the adoption of more specific certification instruments in the audit of social and environmental issues in certified companies, farms and production groups.

    The standard of “Control Union Social and Fair Trade Standard” (“CU Fair Choice”), is based on human development, social, environmental and economic principles. To achieve certification, companies must achieve conformance to the criteria required by this standard.

    Fair Choice is applicable to any type of trader and producer organization


    Fair Choice is applicable to any type of trader and producer organization (including cooperatives, associations of smallholders, and small farmers organized under marketing and/or processing entities).

    • Certification under the CU Fair Choice Standard constitutes a guarantee that companies are committed to sustainable development and the improvement of social conditions, meeting the demands of conscious consumers; whose number is increasing worldwide, creating new market possibilities.

    • CU Fair Choice is the first Fair Trade Standard created from the real perspective of small farmers since it has been developed in a Latin American country.


    • Fair Trade Price: the minimum fair trade price must be higher than the cost of production, the market value and higher than that of non-fair trade products, and must allow a profit margin for producers.

    • Fairtrade premium: is a fund for the development of local projects that contribute to improving the quality of life of farmers. It is obtained by calculating a minimum percentage of annual or seasonal sales volumes of the buyer; it is managed by the company and/or producers. The amount and management of the fund is set by a joint decision between the buyer and the producers.

    • CU will ensure the use of Fairtrade Premium through audits. Joint Inspections: CU Fair Choice can be combined with audits for other standards such as: organic, C.A.F.E Practices, Bird Friendly.

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    How can we help you?

    Want to apply for a certification program? Our Certification team will be happy to help you.