Learn and grow online & offline
CU Academy
How can we help?
The world is changing fast. So do our certification programmes and related services. That’s why Control Union Academy offers training that can be delivered in person or online. We can also arrange customised courses based on your needs.
Based on your needs
We use our knowledge and experience to provide our clients and the general public around the world with a clearer picture of the interpretation of each of the different standards to which we are accredited.
InHouse Courses
These are standard interpretation courses aimed at a small group of participants from the same organisation or interest group.
Online Courses
These are standard interpretation courses that require an investment and are aimed at anyone interested in training in the various certification standards.
Offline Courses
These are standard interpretation courses that can be taken asynchronously according to the availability of the participant. These courses require an investment and are aimed at anyone interested in training in the different certification standards.
Sharing knowledge and experience
Our aim is to help our clients with accessible courses and workshops. We believe in practicality. We distinguish ourselves by offering training solutions that are easy to understand, regardless of the level of knowledge, combined with a practical approach. Online learning seems the best option, but we are happy to offer tailor-made and local solutions on demand.
‘Enhance relationships with our customers by supporting them with accessible trainings’.
Our mission is to professionalise and facilitate the way knowledge and expertise is used, organised, shared and communicated. This has an added value, in addition to our current service offer.
How can we help you?
Would you like more specific information about our academy service? If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to let us know; we will be happy to contact you.